
Which essential oils can help me relax?

I was chatting with a friend over the weekend. She's recently received her Home Essentials Kit but is a little overwhelmed by it all. That's totally understandable - here is this kit of oils and everyone is raving about their uses and benefits and how life changing they can be ... but where do you start?

She thought it would be beneficial to know which oils could be used in different situations, such as when you want to relax or when you want to focus or when you want to be uplifted and cheered. I'm going to do a series of posts on groups of oils, characterised by their reported therapeutic benefits.

I've used my reference books to make blends over the past few months and have had huge success with mood, pain, focus, sleep, hormonal issues and even a caffeine addiction. There's no denying these oils are powerful but they're useless if you don't know how to use them!

My first post is about the oils we can use to support us when we want to feel calm and relaxed or when we want others - such as our kids ;) - to calm down.

It's a very gentle, non-confronting way to use essential oils to help you fall asleep at night or perhaps to stay balanced and calm during a stressful day or situation. You can apply the oils topically (in a balm, body oil or massage blend) or diffuse them in an ultrasonic diffuser to disperse the oils into the air as you work or sleep.  

To relax
Some oils known for their relaxing and calming properties are: Lavender Peace/Serenity, Whisper, basil, bergamot, roman chamomile, Melissa, petitgrain, spikenard, and wintergreen.

To sleep
Oils that have particularly sedating properties are: Lavender Peace/Serenity, bergamot, cedarwood, clary sage, cypress, frankincense, geranium, juniper berry, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, marjoram, myrrh, sandalwood, spikenard and ylang ylang.

To manage stress
Oils that have the ability to support the body during stressful times are: Balance - the grounding blend, basil, cardamom, cedarwood, clary sage, frankincense, grapefruit, helichrysum, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, lime, marjoram, orange, patchouli, roman chamomile, rose, rosemary, sandalwood, spearmint, spikenard, tangerine, vetiver, ylang ylang. 

To calm tantrums
Balance - the grounding blend, chamomile

To soothe feelings of sorrow and grief
Console - the comforting blend, cypress, frankincense, marjoram, Melissa, rose, vetiver

To alleviate worry and anxious feelings
Peace - the reassuring blend, juniper berry, roman chamomile, basil, bergamot, cedarwood, clary sage, coriander, fennel, frankincense, lavender, lime, marjoram, Melissa, orange, petitgrain, spearmint, spikenard, tangerine, vetiver, ylang ylang.

How do I get these oils for myself? 

Visit my doTERRA store to open your own wholesale account and get your own essential oils for the same price as me! Or ask me for more information. 

If you're ready to go ahead and access wholesale prices for yourself, there are step by step instructions here.


Johnson, S. Evidence-based Essential Oil Therapy - The Ultimate Guide to the Therapeutic and Clinical Application of Essential Oils (1st ed.).

The essential life: a simple guide to living the wellness lifestyle. (2015). Total Wellness Publishing.